Climate_ART allows users to connect to a shared planet to explore power plants' and their CO2 emissions. The project uses a learn by doing approach where each connected user will leave a footprint for the next users to build on.

The project has been ongoing for a period of six weeks. The first two weeks included brainstorming and definition of the project and it’s scoop. Followed by three sprints, one week long each, where the focus has been on product development. The last week of the project focused on putting the last pieces together and displaying the project for users. During the project the aim has been to learn more about graphics and multiplayer interactions. While the motivation for the project actually came from employees at Tom Tits that suggested the theme of “The future of learning about STEM”. One of the learning objectives in the Swedish school curriculum is learning about energy sources and its effect on the environment. With the COP26 taking place during this fall we felt that this topic was highly relevant to work with.

The project has been centered around three main goals:
  • Create an interactive and collaborative experience between platforms
  • Create a cool and visually pleasing experience
  • Create a good learning experience about the climate

    During the first week of the development process the main focus was to develop a MVP that allowed connections between multiple platforms and displayed simpler graphics. We used Node.js to run it and Socket.io to allow the connection between multiple platforms, which in this case was a running Unity project and internet browsers. The Unity project displayed a simpler 3D world while the browsers showed an interactive 2D map over the world, by the help of Leaflet.js. If the user taped the map a tree would be placed and the user could see the tree being dropped in the 3D world.

    When it was time to branch out on the MVP we had three areas: the graphics, the interaction and the logic. For the graphics part a larger and more detailed 3D world was created in Blender and later on exported to Unity. More 3D models, like power plants and nature objects were also created and added. Some objects like the water and electrical cables needed shading and these were scripted. For the interaction we allowed the user to choose between multiple objects to place on the map. To make sure the interface was mobile responsive we used Onsen UI and their components. The user was also asked to enter an alias when entering the page to tell who did what interactions and display that for the other users. And for the logic part we added more things in Unity, like a graph displayed on the larger screen, to show all users how their different interactions affected the CO2 emissions, and a bar that gave an overview to what energy sources that was used. To give a more alive and responsive world we integrated a day and night cycle and if the CO2 emissions were too high a fog appeared.

    When the project was displayed to users we deployed the project with the help of a Raspberry Pi and the users scanned a QR code, leading to the deployed website, to join. That allowed everyone to use their own phone in a very efficient way.

    "Making of" documentary


    Most integrations have been pretty seamless for us. One of few challenging parts has been to extract models from Blender to Unity. There were many materials we couldn’t extract and had to add in Unity instead. One time we also had a huge problem with the vectors in the extraction. which made half of the world turn inside out. Otherwise this project has been a good project to learn more about creating shaders and work with very cute low-poly style graphics. Which was also a style of the graphics that was liked by the users, we learned during the users feedback.

    Since we decided to work with a very complex topic, the environment, there’s a lot of future implementations and work to be done. We had to scoop the project and focus on just a few things even if we had a lot of ideas and things we wanted to try out - a challenge but also something you need to practice. In the end we saw that this project serves as a very good proof of concept and could be expanded a lot in areas like education, collaboration and exploration.



    Johanna Simfors,

    My responsibilities in this project have been within the 3D graphics. I've been working with the world, all nature based 3D objects, such as the trees, bushes and clouds, and lastly also the the village and it's houses.
    Leo Bergqvist,

    I've been responsible for gamelogic / design, energy GUI and world effects (day / night, air pollution)
    Moa Engquist,

    My responsibilities in this project have been within UI/UX. I’ve been working with implementing the interface for mobile devices as well as planning user tests. I have also been in charge of this website.
    Nils Merkel,

    I was responsible for creating all 3D models of the different power plants we wanted in our project and creating different graphical effects to make the world come alive. This included getting the water in the world to move, getting the power plants to drag out smoke, the waterfall to move, etc.
    Olle Hovmark,

    I've mostly been responsible for getting the interactions between the server and the clients to work. This involved working with websockets, modelling the state, writing scripts for reading and handeling the recieved data in Unity and in the clients' browsers etc.



    An interactive strategy game developed by the company Prototyp. The aim for this was to educate users in the investment process, and in the various effects it may have on developing countries.


    The Interdisciplinary Center on Climate Change at University of Waterloo developed Illuminate, an educational simulation game where users explore solutions to the impacts of climate change.


    This game aims to give a younger audience an increased understanding of warmer climate effects and how to meet the new challenges this entitles. Developed by SMHI (Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute).